To build engines, you have to have tools.

To build an engine properly, you need the proper tools.

If you’re new to the high performance game and are building your first engine, we’ve compiled a list of twelve tools from our personal toolbox that ought to be in yours. None of these pieces are earth-shattering technology, but they do make engine building easier—with the final result being a powerful, reliable engine.

Tapered Ring Compressor

Tapered Ring Compressor: A tapered ring compressor is the absolute best and easiest way to install piston and connecting rod assemblies. The tool gently squeezes the piston rings and actually funnels the piston/ring assembly directly into the cylinder bore without damaging or breaking the rings. This particular compressor body is milled for extra grip. These ring compressors are not universal—each is designed to fit a specific size cylinder bore. Summit Racing offers tapered ring compressors for just about every cylinder bore size.

Shopping List

Tapered Ring Compressor

Piston Ring Squaring Tool

Piston Ring Filer

Crankshaft Socket

Engine Brushes

Harmonic Damper Installation Tool

Degree Wheel

Dial Bore Gauge

Pushrod Length Checker

Oil Pump Primer

Valve Spring Height Micrometer

Engine Storage Cradle



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Author: Wayne Scraba

Wayne Scraba is a diehard car guy and regular contributor to OnAllCylinders. He’s owned his own speed shop, built race cars, street rods, and custom motorcycles, and restored muscle cars. He’s authored five how-to books and written over 4,500 tech articles that have appeared in sixty different high performance automotive, motorcycle and aviation magazines worldwide.