
They’re not for everyone. But they are for us.

Like almost everything with four wheels and a combustion engine, these vintage Studebakers have our attention.

For those of us too young to remember these beauties as a relatively common sight on American roadways, it’s always such a treat to stumble upon one.

But this past weekend, no stumbling was required.

Owners of these classics were kind enough to gather at Summit Racing in Tallmadge, OH for the Studebaker/Packard show to share these treasures with the rest of us.

You can check out our Packard photo gallery here.

Meanwhile, please enjoy these fantastic Studebakers!

vintage studebaker coupe with hood up
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Author: Matt Griswold

After a 10-year newspaper journalism career, Matt Griswold spent another decade writing about the automotive aftermarket and motorsports. He was part of the original OnAllCylinders editorial team when it launched in 2012.