The annual Glenmoor Gathering of Significant Automobiles has a reputation—probably well deserved—for featuring a lot of cars that fall outside our traditional comfort zone.

You know, sort of more Rolls-Royce and Bentley, and less Chevy Nova and Dodge Coronet.

But this isn’t just any old automotive blog. This is OnAllCylinders. And, darn it, we like all kinds of cylinders around here. Even if they are on fancy-schmancy cars.

In all seriousness, there were some incredible vehicles at this year’s Glenmoor Gathering.

And we think we’d be remiss if we didn’t share them with you. Enjoy!


1948 Davis Divan convertible


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Author: Matt Griswold

After a 10-year newspaper journalism career, Matt Griswold spent another decade writing about the automotive aftermarket and motorsports. He was part of the original OnAllCylinders editorial team when it launched in 2012.