Counting Cars, 1967 Pontiac GTO

G-T-Whoa: 1967 Pontiac GTO

We like television. We like cars.

And we really, really like television about cars.

One of our favorite current car-related shows is History Channel’s Counting Cars, which follows the car conquests of Danny “The Count” Koker. You may know The Count from his role on History Channel’s Pawn Stars, where he made regular appearances as the show’s car guru. Counting Cars centers around Danny and the crew of his Las Vegas shop, “Count’s Kustoms,” as they acquire, restore, and rebuild a variety of project vehicles ranging from muscle cars and hot rods to motorcycles and boats.

While The Count, his crew, and the projects are the stars of the show, Summit Racing Equipment has added another level of awesomeness to the show by making it interactive. Summit Racing’s team of experts has bundled together parts combos based on the show’s vehicles, so enthusiasts can build their own project vehicle with the very same components used by the Count’s Kustoms team.

Here is the current list Counting Cars Parts Combos available at Summit Racing:

  • “G-T-Whoa!” 1967 Pontiac GTO
  • “McQueen for a Day” 1968 Ford Mustang
  • 1968 Camaro SS
  • “Back in the Wind” 1978 Chevy El Camino
  • “Buggin’ Out” 1971 VW Dune Buggy

Summit Racing will add additional combos as more episodes of the show are released.