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NHRA has instituted a rule requiring that all racecars be equipped with an NHRA-approved tethering system for header collectors, or a minimum half-inch stitch weld located on each primary tube.

Enter Collector Tethers—designed by longtime NHRA sportsman racers Scott Lemen and Lynn Ellison. Their new product has also been approved for NMRA, NMCA and PSCA racing requirements, as well.

Collector Tethers offers three standard-length tethers designed to meet the majority of needs. The company also offers a 36-inch universal cut-to-fit tether you can order for any special or custom applications.

“We feel we know drag racers as well as anyone, possibly better,” Lemen said. “As drag racers, we’re notably against change and especially requirements. But once we understand that there have been multiple safety issues regarding a product or procedure and that people have been hurt from the issue, we usually understand the requirement.”

Collector Tethers’ stainless steel collector and primary tube clamps are 3/4 of an inch wide and .025 inches thick.

If you’re worried about meeting the new header tether rule, you can shed those concerns with Collector Tethers.

Assembly Instructions for Collector Tethers

  1. Remove the nylocks on your existing clamps and discard. Replace them with the high-temperature stainless steel lock nuts included in your Collector Tethers system. Note: While Collector Tethers systems include high-temperature, non-galling lock nuts, it is still recommended that you use anti-seize compound on the T-bolt threads prior to lock nut installation.
  2. Install collector clamps in your preferred locations. Clamps on merge-style headers will need to be located at the throat.
  3. Install primary clamps on preferred tubes.
  4. For Premium Tethers, slide the cables over the T-bolt on both clamps before placing the trunnion on the T-bolt. Keep the tether ends pointed toward the trunnion and threaded-bolt end of the clamps.
  5. Econo Light Tethers, tuck the cables between the T-bolt and clamp toward the threaded-bolt end.
  6. Apply anti-seize compound to the thread and install the provided high-temperature lock nuts.
  7. Adjust the primary clamp so the tether is draped slightly—not taut. The tether is not designed to be a primary retention device, thus the need for slack. Once you have adjusted the tethers, tighten the lock nuts, taking care to avoid over-tightening.


And check out this one-minute video here:

Author: Matt Griswold

After a 10-year newspaper journalism career, Matt Griswold spent another decade writing about the automotive aftermarket and motorsports. He was part of the original OnAllCylinders editorial team when it launched in 2012.