By the 1970s, racers knew big roller-cammed motors ran a whole bunch better when converted from a points distributor to an electronic one. Those long duration roller motors idled better and seemed easier to tune with a good electronic setup. Another plus: engines like the big block Chevy—a known spark plug killer—actually became easier on parts.

Today, you can get the performance of an electronic distributor for just about any V8 engine you have. But what if you want that performance with the look of a vintage points distributor? On a recent small block Chevy engine project, we wanted the Delco distributor to look like something we could have built four decades ago. Thanks to Summit Racing, we picked up all the parts we needed to do the job: PerTronix Ignitor III electronic conversion kit, Pertronix 7mm wires and Flame-Thrower coil, Crane adjustable vacuum advance kit, and parts from ACCEL, Moroso, and MSD. The photos will show you how it all went together.

a delco single point engine distributor removed from the vehicle

Here is the patient, a bone-stock Delco single point distributor. Most Delco points distributors from 1957 to 1974 are the same internally. This particular example came off an uber-low mileage Chevy 307 (look at the dates on the wires—10-69!). That meant the shaft bushings would be in good shape but the advance curve would be pathetically slow.

Parts List

PerTronix Ignitor III Ignition Kit

PerTronix Flame-Thrower III Coil

PerTronix 7mm Stock-Look Wires

Crane Cams Vacuum Advance Kit

Moroso Distributor Advance Curve Kit

Moroso Distributor Shim Kit

Moroso Housing Shim Kit

MSD Rotor

ACCEL Distributor Cap

Note: You can also use ACCEL Rotor and Cap Kit ACC-8120 in place of the MSD rotor and ACCEL cap shown above.

Author: Wayne Scraba

Wayne Scraba is a diehard car guy and regular contributor to OnAllCylinders. He’s owned his own speed shop, built race cars, street rods, and custom motorcycles, and restored muscle cars. He’s authored five how-to books and written over 4,500 tech articles that have appeared in sixty different high performance automotive, motorcycle and aviation magazines worldwide.