July 4th is a day to celebrate our freedoms and honor our founding fathers–guys like Washington, Jefferson, and Hancock. But since we have motor oil on the brain, we’ve got founding fathers of a different kind on our minds.
Today, we’re examining the guys responsible for creating the iconic car brands we love. We’re talking about the true pioneers the American automotive industry. The founding fathers of American automotive performance.
How much do you know about them?
Take our quiz (answers in the slide show below) to test your knowledge.
1. This forefather had many inventions, including the lawn sprinkler and enameled bathtub:
A) Ransom Olds.
B) Billy Durant
C) David Dunbar Buick
2. This Swiss-born racer competed in four Indianapolis 500s and founded one of the most iconic American car brands:
A) Henry Ford
B) Louis Chevrolet,
C) Ransom Olds
3. After founding his namesake car company, this pioneer went on to develop the Reo:
A) David Dunbar Buick
B) Ransom Olds
C) Walter Percy Chrysler
4. This founding father of automobile mass production set the World Speed Record in 1904, going 91 miles-per-hour in his own car:
A) Louis Chevrolet
B) Billy Durant
C) Henry Ford
5. Made transmissions for Olds and engines for Henry Ford before launching own company:
A) Roy Chapin
B) John & Horace Dodge
C) Henry M. Leland
6. This machinist and inventor founded both Cadillac and Lincoln–as well as electric barber clippers:
A) Walter Flanders
B) Henry M. Leland
C) Harley Earl
7. The American automotive forefather pioneered the system of multi-brand holding companies, helping to found General Motors:
A) Billy Durant
B) Walter Flanders
C) Harley Earl
8. Before converting Maxwell-Chalmers into his namesake company, this former locomotive engineer served as president of Buick:
A) David Dunbar Buick
B) Louis Chevrolet
C) Walter Percy Chrysler