Generally speaking, converting from traditional incandescent to LED lighting has plenty of upsides—particularly for older vehicles. For starters, LEDs can draw less current, which takes some stress off a wire harness. They’re usually brighter than their incandescent or halogen bulb counterparts too.
Win, win.
And for many LED conversions, the toughest part about the switch is figuring out what bulbs to buy. Over decades of automotive evolution, there have been boatloads of bulb designs, which often means you have to wade through dozens of designations, codes, and specs to find the exact ones you need.
Or at least, you used to.
The bulb brainiacs over at Oracle Lighting have made an entire website that’ll serve up the name and ID of the bulbs your vehicle uses. Click below to check it out:
All you do is enter your vehicle year/make/model, and the tool will spit out a list of the bulbs it takes—and where they go. Then, just visit your favorite automotive parts website, enter the name “Oracle” along with the bulb code into the search bar, and you’ll see the exact Oracle bulb you’ll need.
And the Oracle library o’ lamps is impressively robust too, as we found entries for everything from a Ford Pinto to a Corvette Split Window.
All told, it’s a handy website that you’ll want to bookmark, whether you’re converting to LEDs or simply just want a basic bulb reference guide.
Can you site also do bulbs for motor homes / RV,S ?
Looks to be very awesome site with good helpful information .Thanks
pinto? corvette split window? dont modify theese cars leave them alone!
for the sake of all that good
Hey Wally, a basic LED bulb swap is literally as simple as changing a light bulb–and it’s an easily reversible modification. A lot of vintage vehicle owners do LED bulb swaps (particularly in interior/dashboard applications), as LEDs typically generate plenty of light, with less heat and less current draw (which reduces the strain on a wiring harness).