A lot of you are running a B&M automatic transmission shifter in your muscle car, hot rod, or classic truck, which means you probably already know how important proper shifter cable adjustment is to its performance and reliability.

(Image/The B&M Performance & Off-Road YouTube Channel)

But if it’s been a while since you’ve looked at yours, or if you’ve got a shiny new B&M shifter you’re about to install, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the proper cable adjustment procedure. And though B&M gives you detailed instructions with each shifter it sells, watching the B&M shifter cable adjustment process unfold in video format can be really, really helpful too.

The video begins at the hypothetical point where both the shifter and transmission are installed in the vehicle, then goes on to show you exactly how to install and adjust the B&M shifter cable.

Doing your shifter cable installation/adjustment job right the first time can save you a ton of hassle and headaches later, so watch this video to learn how to do it:

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