Ever been elbow-deep in a project that requires you to continually swap between socket sizes? If you’re like us, it usually means precariously resting your unused sockets on an air cleaner cover, wiper cowl, or fender with the hopes that you don’t knock them onto the floor or, worse yet, into the engine bay.
If that sounds familiar, you might want to check out Magrails from VIM Tools.
Way more advanced than ordinary socket organizers, Magrails use magnets (duh) to keep your sockets close by and accessible.
Taking sockets on and off is practically effortless, so you won’t be fumbling around if you’ve got greasy fingers or heavy gloves—yet the magnets are super strong, so you can swing a fully loaded Magrail around without fear of jettisoning sockets into the ether.

VIM Tools Magrails come in a few configurations, and they’re modular so you can add or remove socket studs based on your need. And when you’re done with the project, you can hang the Magrail on your pegboard or slip it into a tool chest drawer to be ready for next time.
And VIM Tools makes Magrails for different applications too, for things like wrenches and drive bits.
See for yourself in this quick Magrail video from the gang over at VIM Tools: