Anyone who has ever drag raced knows that weather and track conditions can pretty much change by the minute. We also know that days at the track can be long, so […]
Before the advent of the trans-brake, racers using automatic transmissions were at the mercy of the foot brakes installed in their respective cars. The stick shift guys had a big advantage, […]
Lateral control is how the rear axle housing is kept in a side-to-side alignment with the chassis as the rear suspension moves through its travel. And it’s more important than […]
There have been plenty of articles penned on how to assemble AN hose (and hose ends). The process is pretty straightforward. Get it wrong and you’ll have a leaky fitting. Get it […]
In the first part of our Header Theory posts, we dug into the whys and how of header primary tube length. If you recall, Hooker Headers and Reher-Morrison Racing Engines gave […]
We regularly field questions regarding headers. Common header questions are centered around tube diameter, tube length, collector diameter, collector length, and so on. Some folks will tell you none of […]
Springs? What’s so important about coil springs? Quite a bit actually. Coil springs tend to be one of the most important and most misunderstood components on a modified street or […]
Back in the day, “real” race cars didn’t have hood scoops. Instead they had an array of open injector stacks poking through the hood top. Scoops were superfluous. But then, […]
When you shop for high performance piston ring sets, you’ll no doubt find there are many different sets and styles available (no big secret). And many of these ring sets are […]